More detailed tutorials you could find on external resources, e.g.:
For simplicity, let’s consider here how to run our custom warp-up function to analyse RNA-Seq data. If you are interested in using original Bioconductor functions - feel free to see in the code of LibDEA
Let’s consider the following libraries:
to transform from counts to log-expression). It
is as well developed by the group of Gordon Smyth (Australia)## load data
Data = read.table("",header=T,sep="\t",row.names = 1)
## 'data.frame': 60411 obs. of 18 variables:
## $ SN327: int 11404 95 5058 4015 4137 266 77088 98 29717 1285 ...
## $ SN328: int 4652 112 4899 7001 6626 1161 41068 118 13984 1908 ...
## $ SN349: int 12880 107 5948 6573 4753 523 67236 169 25633 1952 ...
## $ SN354: int 5252 149 6508 5730 4728 813 56781 250 10469 1830 ...
## $ SN405: int 7752 169 4596 5858 2926 221 62818 159 13303 1326 ...
## $ SN449: int 12215 161 4009 4811 3754 620 70614 67 16995 1281 ...
## $ SN450: int 10898 86 5288 5010 3051 1012 107658 142 20073 1592 ...
## $ SN667: int 9793 370 4371 4905 3563 118 78049 98 27813 2248 ...
## $ SN679: int 7039 340 3560 4215 2478 949 62394 120 6482 1036 ...
## $ ST327: int 1768 32 3346 6450 8849 46 27302 125 165479 1653 ...
## $ ST328: int 3944 7 5062 6055 5424 1483 24056 185 47563 2947 ...
## $ ST349: int 4703 54 5837 7117 7773 644 22856 178 94699 2573 ...
## $ ST354: int 6323 247 8614 5027 8724 83 8912 79 8426 3487 ...
## $ ST405: int 1496 16 2546 4677 6252 120 27303 143 70070 1364 ...
## $ ST449: int 5547 33 4912 6942 9630 693 15821 217 87792 2248 ...
## $ ST450: int 6467 131 5055 4591 7006 1053 33937 101 104311 2242 ...
## $ ST667: int 2136 43 4608 3955 4599 180 14647 154 41703 1185 ...
## $ ST679: int 2778 123 1938 1945 2587 909 13117 179 6037 1818 ...
## load annotation
Anno = read.table("",header=T,sep="\t",row.names = 1,
Anno = Anno[rownames(Data),] ## force the same order
## 'data.frame': 60411 obs. of 8 variables:
## $ gene_name : chr "TSPAN6" "TNMD" "DPM1" "SCYL3" ...
## $ gene_biotype: chr "protein_coding" "protein_coding" "protein_coding" "protein_coding" ...
## $ seqname : chr "X" "X" "20" "1" ...
## $ start : int 99884983 99839799 49551773 169822913 169631245 27939633 196621008 143816984 53363765 41040684 ...
## $ stop : int 99894942 99854882 49574900 169863148 169823221 27961576 196716634 143832548 53481684 41067715 ...
## $ strand : chr "-" "+" "-" "-" ...
## $ length : int 2968 1610 1207 3844 6354 3524 8144 2453 8463 3811 ...
## $ gc : num 0.441 0.425 0.398 0.445 0.423 ...
This dataset contains 18 samples from 9 lung squamous cell carcinoma patients. Each tumor sample is paired with the normal. Below we will use 3 methods to exptract differentially expessed genes. Feel free to check LibDEA.r for more details.
edgeR - method developed by the same group as
. It assumes negative binomial distribution of the
DESeq2 - method developed by W.Huber’s lab in Heidelberg
limma + voom - limma still can be used for counting data
## [1] "----------------------------------------------------------------"
## [1] "libDEA: Differential expression analysis"
## [1] "Needed:"
## [1] "limma" "edgeR" "DESeq2" "caTools" "compiler" "sva"
## [1] "Absent:"
## character(0)
group = sub("[0-9]+","",colnames(Data))
## using DESeq2
Res1 = DEA.DESeq(Data, group=group, key0="SN", key1="ST")
## DESeq,unpaired: 11920 DEG (FDR<0.05), 8913 DEG (FDR<0.01)
## using edgeR
Res2 = DEA.edgeR(Data, group=group, key0="SN",key1="ST")
## edgeR,unpaired: 8566 DEG (FDR<0.05), 5990 DEG (FDR<0.01)
## using edgeR
Res3 = DEA.limma(Data, group=group, key0="SN",key1="ST",counted=TRUE)
## Limma,unpaired: 9038,6004,3329,1767 DEG (FDR<0.05, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4)
The results are not the same. Let’s see:
## Venn diagram
id1 = Res1[Res1$FDR<0.01 & abs(Res1$logFC)>1,"id"]
id2 = Res2[Res2$FDR<0.01 & abs(Res2$logFC)>1,"id"]
id3 = Res3[Res3$FDR<0.01 & abs(Res3$logFC)>1,"id"]
venn(list(DESeq = id1, edgeR=id2, limma = id3))
## alternative Venn
# source("")
# v = Venn(list(DESeq = id1, edgeR=id2, limma = id3))
To DO: Annotate data for task 4!
- Analyze dataset LUSC60 using one of the methods (DESeq2, edgeR or limma) and compare the gene lists to those found in LIH dataset counts. Sample annotation is quite straitforward: SN - normal, ST - tumour, but can also be found in samples.txt Hint: you will need to translate genes from Ensembl to gene symbols using anno
Alternatively: generate your own “AMD” file in Excel as described in session on Exploratory Data Analysis, section 1.2.1.
- Select the top 1000 of the significant genes either in LUSC20 or in counts, save gene names into a file and perform enrichment analysis using Enrichr tool of Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, USA.
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