
4.1. Linear models for transcriptomics data

Linear models in application to Transcriptomics
Linear models in application to Transcriptomics

In genomics we will speak about differential expression analysis (DEA), when we would like to compare mean expression of genes between 2 or more sample groups.

4.2. Differential Expression Analysis

4.2.1. DEA: Preparing for limma, edgeR, DESeq

In the native R, the vast majority of the libraries (or packages) can be simply installed by install.libraries("library_name"). However, some advanced R/Bioconductor packages may need advanced handling of the dependencies. Thus, we would recommend using BiocManager::install() function:

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


## if you wish, you can also use my simple warp-up

More detailed tutorials you could find on external resources, e.g.:

DESeq, or more correctly DESeq2, (developed in EMBL, Heidelberg) is a very powerful package, but also the most demanding one in terms of dependencies :)…

Please try to install all 3 packages.

Limma works similar to ANOVA with somewhat improved post-hoc analysis and p-value calculation (empirical Bayes statistics).

DEA approach
DEA approach

4.2.2. DEA: Example of a time-course experiment

Let’s consider an example - a time course experiment from this paper. This specific example is based on the microarray data, but all points discussed below you can apply after to sequencing data using corresponding warp-up: DEA.limma(...,counted=TRUE), DEA.edgeR(...), DEA.DESeq(...).

Experimental design
Experimental design

Load the data from the following format

Data format
Data format
## load the data that are in annotated text format
mRNA = readAMD("",
## load custom functions
## [1] "----------------------------------------------------------------"
## [1] "libDEA: Differential expression analysis"
## [1] "Needed:"
## [1] "limma"    "edgeR"    "DESeq2"   "caTools"  "compiler" "sva"     
## [1] "Absent:"
## character(0)
## DEA: the most variable genes (by F-statistics)
ResF = DEA.limma(data = mRNA$X, group = mRNA$meta$time)
##  [1] "T03-T00"  "T12-T00"  "T12-T03"  "T24-T00"  "T24-T03"  "T24-T12" 
##  [7] "T48-T00"  "T48-T03"  "T48-T12"  "T48-T24"  "T72-T00"  "T72-T03" 
## [13] "T72-T12"  "T72-T24"  "T72-T48"  "T72J-T00" "T72J-T03" "T72J-T12"
## [19] "T72J-T24" "T72J-T48" "T72J-T72"
## Limma,unpaired: 11468,9604,7444,5630 DEG (FDR<0.05, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4)
genes = order(ResF$FDR)[1:100]  ## select top 100 genes
  fontsize_row=2, fontsize_col=10, cellwidth=15,
  main="Top 100 significant genes (F-stat)")

## DEA: genes differentially expressed (by moderated t-test)
Res24 = DEA.limma(data = mRNA$X,
                  group = mRNA$meta$time,
## Limma,unpaired: 5895,3980,2146,1023 DEG (FDR<0.05, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4)
## volcano plot

genes = order(Res24$FDR)[1:100]  ## select top 100 genes
samples = grep("T00|T24",mRNA$meta$time) ## select T00,T24 sampl.
  fontsize_row=2, fontsize_col=10, cellwidth=15,
  main="Top 100 significant genes T24-T00 (moderated t-stat)")

Let’s save the results - we will use the after for function annotation.

## save the most variable genes (by F-statistics)
write.table(ResF[ResF$FDR<0.0001,],file = "DEA_F.txt",
            col.names=NA, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)

## save significant genes T24-vs-T00
write.table(Res24[Res24$FDR<0.001 & abs(Res24$logFC)>1,], 
            file = "DEA_T24-T00.txt", 
            col.names=NA, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
## save gene list (response at 24 h of IFNg treatment)

Please, investigate the results. Submit any list to the functional annotation tool Enrichr

Other tools to be considered:

Take home messages 4

  1. If you are looking at a multi-factor / multi-treatment experiment, you may check the variable genes (F-statistics based) first, and then go for the contrasts.


  1. To find the biological meaning of the significantly regulated genes, please use enrichment analysis methods linking known functional groups of genes to DEA results.


  1. Enriched categories are usually more robust than individual genes. If you have no significant genes – check gene sets by GSEA.

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By Petr Nazarov