
3.1. Hypothesis testing and p-value

Here are few slides explaining the concept of hypothesis testing and p-value:


As an example, let’s do hypothesis testing from the lecture.

mu0 = 3   ## constant to which we compare
m = 2.92  ## experimentally observed mean weight
s = 0.18  ## standard deviation (known in advance)
n = 36    ## number of observations

## standard error ( of mean)
sm = s/sqrt(n) 

## statistics
z = (m-mu0)/sm

## p-value
## [1] 0.003830381

3.2. Multiple testing

Let’s run a small test described in the lecture: generate a random dataset with 1000 “genes” for 6 “samples”. 3 samples we denote as “A”, 3 - as “B”.


ng = 1000  ## n genes
nr = 3     ## n replicates

## random matrix
X = matrix(rnorm(ng*nr*2),nrow=ng, ncol=nr*2)
rownames(X) = paste0("gene",1:ng)
colnames(X) = c(paste0("A",1:nr),paste0("B",1:nr))
pheatmap(X,fontsize_row = 1,cellwidth=20,main="Random expression matrix",scale="row")

## calculate p-values
pv = double(ng)
names(pv) = rownames(X)
for (i in 1:ng){
  pv[i] = t.test(X[i,1:nr],X[i,(nr+1):(2*nr)])$p.value
pheatmap(X[pv<0.05,],cellwidth=20,main="Significant genes by p-value",scale="row")

## Significant genes by p-value:
##  [1] "gene7"   "gene26"  "gene127" "gene154" "gene159" "gene165" "gene174"
##  [8] "gene233" "gene235" "gene241" "gene244" "gene270" "gene287" "gene305"
## [15] "gene316" "gene320" "gene333" "gene335" "gene350" "gene381" "gene389"
## [22] "gene390" "gene407" "gene411" "gene443" "gene502" "gene589" "gene607"
## [29] "gene615" "gene639" "gene658" "gene662" "gene665" "gene691" "gene777"
## [36] "gene811" "gene890" "gene900" "gene908" "gene932" "gene961" "gene988"
## Correction for multiple testing using Benjamini-Hochberg's FDR and Holm's FWER
fdr = p.adjust(pv,"fdr")
fwer = p.adjust(pv,"holm")

## Significant genes by FDR:
## character(0)
##                  PV      FDR FWER
## gene7   0.021895544 0.989248    1
## gene26  0.041042683 0.989248    1
## gene127 0.012037702 0.989248    1
## gene154 0.027464496 0.989248    1
## gene159 0.033390591 0.989248    1
## gene165 0.017466140 0.989248    1
## gene174 0.004353100 0.989248    1
## gene233 0.031262568 0.989248    1
## gene235 0.014661714 0.989248    1
## gene241 0.025810482 0.989248    1
## gene244 0.016646933 0.989248    1
## gene270 0.019494766 0.989248    1
## gene287 0.047597156 0.989248    1
## gene305 0.046156357 0.989248    1
## gene316 0.037715157 0.989248    1
## gene320 0.008339019 0.989248    1
## gene333 0.018099005 0.989248    1
## gene335 0.041418773 0.989248    1
## gene350 0.006252510 0.989248    1
## gene381 0.024999367 0.989248    1
## gene389 0.037631536 0.989248    1
## gene390 0.009785195 0.989248    1
## gene407 0.013981557 0.989248    1
## gene411 0.044237857 0.989248    1
## gene443 0.037343756 0.989248    1
## gene502 0.034716690 0.989248    1
## gene589 0.045941882 0.989248    1
## gene607 0.044047356 0.989248    1
## gene615 0.004249717 0.989248    1
## gene639 0.022515987 0.989248    1
## gene658 0.018295086 0.989248    1
## gene662 0.029860376 0.989248    1
## gene665 0.042668367 0.989248    1
## gene691 0.008856648 0.989248    1
## gene777 0.033385631 0.989248    1
## gene811 0.002621773 0.989248    1
## gene890 0.004870564 0.989248    1
## gene900 0.040357883 0.989248    1
## gene908 0.017962831 0.989248    1
## gene932 0.023623322 0.989248    1
## gene961 0.044919353 0.989248    1
## gene988 0.041295880 0.989248    1

3.3. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Here are few slides explaining the problems of multiple hypothesis testing and the concept of ANOVA: analysis of variance.

Multiple testing, ANOVA Partek’s ANOVA

As an example, you could consider depression measured in healthy and sick respondents in 3 locations: California, New York and North Carolina.

## load data
Dep = read.table("",header=T,sep="\t",
## 'data.frame':    120 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ Location  : Factor w/ 3 levels "Florida","New York",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ Health    : Factor w/ 2 levels "bad","good": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ Depression: int  3 7 7 3 8 8 8 5 5 2 ...

3.3.1. One-way (one-factor) ANOVA

We start with one-way ANOVA. Let’s consider only healthy respondents in Dep dataset. ANOVA is performed in R: aov(formula, data)

  • formula - “Values ~ Factor1”, where “Values”, “Factor1” should be replaced by the actual column names in the data frame data

ANOVA tells whether a factor is significant, but tells nothing with treatments (factor levels) are different! Use TukeyHSD() to perform post-hoc analysis and get corrected p-values for the contrasts.

DepGH = Dep[Dep$Health == "good",]

## build 1-factor ANOVA model
res1 = aov(Depression ~  Location, DepGH)
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)   
## Location     2   78.5   39.27   6.773 0.0023 **
## Residuals   57  330.4    5.80                  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
##   Tukey multiple comparisons of means
##     95% family-wise confidence level
## Fit: aov(formula = Depression ~ Location, data = DepGH)
## $Location
##                         diff        lwr       upr     p adj
## New York-Florida         2.8  0.9677423 4.6322577 0.0014973
## North Carolina-Florida   1.5 -0.3322577 3.3322577 0.1289579
## North Carolina-New York -1.3 -3.1322577 0.5322577 0.2112612

3.3.2. Two-way (two-factor) ANOVA

For two-way ANOVA the call is similar aov(formula, data). Please note that factor columns in the data frame data should be of class "factor" (newer R version accepts "character"). If factors are "numeric", aov will build regression instead.

  • formula - “Values ~ Factor1 + Factor2 + Factor1*Factor2”, where “Values”, “Factor1” and “Factor2” should be replaced by the actual column names in the data frame data

  • Interaction “Factor1*Factor2” can be estimated in case, if you table contains replicates (values measured for the same conditions)

If needed, ANOVA can be followed by TukeyHSD().

## build 2-factor ANOVA model (with interaction)
res2 = aov(Depression ~  Location + Health + Location*Health, Dep)
##                  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)    
## Location          2   73.8    36.9   4.290  0.016 *  
## Health            1 1748.0  1748.0 203.094 <2e-16 ***
## Location:Health   2   26.1    13.1   1.517  0.224    
## Residuals       114  981.2     8.6                   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
##   Tukey multiple comparisons of means
##     95% family-wise confidence level
## Fit: aov(formula = Depression ~ Location + Health + Location * Health, data = Dep)
## $Location
##                           diff        lwr       upr     p adj
## New York-Florida         1.850  0.2921599 3.4078401 0.0155179
## North Carolina-Florida   0.475 -1.0828401 2.0328401 0.7497611
## North Carolina-New York -1.375 -2.9328401 0.1828401 0.0951631
## $Health
##               diff       lwr       upr p adj
## good-bad -7.633333 -8.694414 -6.572252     0
## $`Location:Health`
##                                         diff         lwr       upr     p adj
## New York:bad-Florida:bad                0.90  -1.7893115  3.589311 0.9264595
## North Carolina:bad-Florida:bad         -0.55  -3.2393115  2.139311 0.9913348
## Florida:good-Florida:bad               -8.95 -11.6393115 -6.260689 0.0000000
## New York:good-Florida:bad              -6.15  -8.8393115 -3.460689 0.0000000
## North Carolina:good-Florida:bad        -7.45 -10.1393115 -4.760689 0.0000000
## North Carolina:bad-New York:bad        -1.45  -4.1393115  1.239311 0.6244461
## Florida:good-New York:bad              -9.85 -12.5393115 -7.160689 0.0000000
## New York:good-New York:bad             -7.05  -9.7393115 -4.360689 0.0000000
## North Carolina:good-New York:bad       -8.35 -11.0393115 -5.660689 0.0000000
## Florida:good-North Carolina:bad        -8.40 -11.0893115 -5.710689 0.0000000
## New York:good-North Carolina:bad       -5.60  -8.2893115 -2.910689 0.0000003
## North Carolina:good-North Carolina:bad -6.90  -9.5893115 -4.210689 0.0000000
## New York:good-Florida:good              2.80   0.1106885  5.489311 0.0361494
## North Carolina:good-Florida:good        1.50  -1.1893115  4.189311 0.5892328
## North Carolina:good-New York:good      -1.30  -3.9893115  1.389311 0.7262066

Take home messages 3

  1. When doing multiple hypothesis testing and selecting only those elements which are significant – always use FDR (or other, like FWER) correction!


  1. DEA provides the genes which have variability in mean gene expression between condition
  • =>more data you have, the smaller differences you will be able to see
  1. Several factors can be taken into account in ANOVA approach. This will give you insight into the significance of each experimental factor but at the same time will correct batch effects and allow answering complex questions (remember shoes affecting ladies…).

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By Petr Nazarov